September Weekend Treats for the Kids with Hog Roast Cottam!

Hog Roast CottamJust when it feels like the kids are finally settling back into school after the summer, suddenly on comes the September weekend here in Scotland to give them an extra special 4-day weekend off. Great for them, of course, but with it not being an official bank holiday for everyone else it can be somewhat of a headache for you as a parent.

With it just passed, we know that many of you found creative ways to keep the kids entertained during the September weekend in Scotland. We know this specifically because Hog Roast Cottam were involved in more than a few of them by bringing in our speciality catering to your events.

When the kids have got a Friday and a Monday off, it’s a great excuse to gather some of them together at the house or at a venue over the weekend and throw a small party. Not only does it tire them out for the rest of the weekend, you also get to enjoy some delicious Hog Roast Cottam dining for your penance.

Now we know what many of you may be thinking, roast dining like Hog Roast Cottam’s doesn’t exactly sound all that exciting for the kids. But that is where you would be wrong, as many of our customers over the weekend evidently knew in bringing us in. While yes, typically traditional roast dining isn’t one to appeal to the kids, our dining can go in all kinds of directions for all kinds of guests. We have ways of pairing down our menus to be far more child friendly, while still also delivering on the more “adult” bites that you want too. Our barbecue menu, for example, can be an excellent choice for a kids party. You’ve got burgers and sausages, which we can cut up into smaller bites, or even just make smaller as we handmake our burgers and sausages ourselves. We can put on fries too along with delicious veggies so they are still getting their greens. We also have small snack selections such as our mini pizzas which they’ll love, plus much more.

Many of these came out over the September weekend, making it a four day weekend well worth enjoying!

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